Need a competent, high-quality, inexpensive translations from one language to another?
Translate all the documents.
Provide notarization of documents, services of an apostille. We translate documents from foreign languages into foreign languages - Bosnian, Turkish, Finnish, Afrikaans, Hungarian, Moldovan, Catalan, Danish, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Uzbek, Kazakh, Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Turkmen, Mongolian, Scottish, Georgian, Armenian, Arabic, Hebrew. We translate documents from foreign languages into foreign languages - English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Czech. Translate documents from Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovenian, Croatian, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch (Dutch, Flemish), Greek, and other languages.
We do translations of legal, business, technical, medical. Performed translation and interpretation for businesses and individuals.
Apply when validating a rule of four eyes (according to the international standard).
Work with 1990
Translate all the documents into foreign languages: work certificates, certificates on form 2-pit, certificate from the passport office or the management company, sponsor, warranty, explanatory letters and other documents, certificates and application to them and others, academic transcripts, student cards, transcripts, school certificates, documents issued by civil registry office (birth certificate, certificate of marriage, certificate of divorce, death certificate, etc.); income certificate for work, certificate from the Bank about the availability of money in the account, clearance and other certificates; employment records, military IDs, driving licenses, powers of attorney, certificates, translation of the passport, the consent of the child's departure abroad and other types of agreements, Bank documents and so forth (depending on the requirements of the Consulate or visa center); the certificate of state registration of rights, agreements of purchase and sale of real estate; Documento Nacional de Identidad, permesso de soggiorno, Carta d identità, Titre de séjour, carte de séjour, Občanský průkaz, cestovní pas, Lichna karta, Personal card, Lična karta, Personalausweis, Österreich, Bundesrepublik, Deutschland, Dowód osobisty, Personal card, Nederlandse identiteitskaart, Identiteitskaart, Carte d identité, Občiansky preukaz, Osebna izkaznica, Personnummerbevis, CPR-nummer, personnummer, nationellt id-kort, identity card, passeport, passport, potni list, paspoort, identity document, διαβατήριο, pas, pasaporte, passaporto, PACOS, pass, paszport, passaporte, putovnica.
Also we translate: technical documents; contracts, invoices, certificates, customs documents (declarations, certificates, invoices, specifications, packing lists; shipping documents - the bill of lading, the TIR Carnet, international road waybills - CMR, the Russian commodity-lading - waybill, air waybills, consignment notes; payment orders, cash warrants; passport of transaction, carriage, insurance documents, payment documents); accounting documentation (receipts, invoices, air and railway tickets); operating instructions, patents; court decisions, decrees, notarized translations.