the composition of the intumescent fire-retardant cable coatings PIK-1 (TU 2316-001-52158070-13), is a suspension of pigments, fillers, antiperiodic and technological additives in a water dispersion of a synthetic polymer. The structure is intended to reduce the Flammability of electric cable lines of various types: power, control, communication, etc., having the outer shell made of rubber, PVC, polyethylene. Coating for fire protection of cable PIC-1 when exposed to flames or heat rapidly increases in volume with formation of insulating foam. PEAK 1 has a high adhesion to the materials of the shells of the cables and renders them aggressive. Fire retardant coating has good heat conductivity, therefore, do not require reduction of current loads.
Fire-resistant coating formed by the composition PEAK 1 can be used for protection of cables in construction of industrial, civil and housing construction, tunnels, reservoirs, and in the railway rolling stock.
In the process of coating is not observed its detachment from the substrate or cracking. Increased elasticity of the coating allows you to bend painted the cables and to carry out their multiple relaying.
The application of cable fire retardant coating PIK-1 not only prevents the fire, but reduces the speed of propagation of the combustion, release of toxic and corrosion-active substances.
An important feature of the composition of PEAK 1" is that when applied to cables and complete drying, the composition remains elastic, which allows working with different cables, without losing their flame retardant properties, transport, laying, temporary gasket, etc.).