Nano-ceramicproduct has ultra-low thermal conductivity and a highly hydrophobic surface in the low to medium-low temperature range (25-800°c),which is applicable in lots of industrial fields, such as industrial kiln, fire proofing, petrifaction, electricity, solar energy, traffic, construction, refrigeration and equipments of polar region, etc. Nano-ceramic product is among the world's best-performance thermal insulation materials with high mechanicstrength of up to 1MPa, as well as excellent moisture, chemical and temperature resistances. PhysicalProperties Density 120kg/m3 MaximumTemperature -120 +950°C Thickness 3-10mm Material Nano-Ceramic Color white CompressiveStrength <2MP FlameRetardant A1-level HydrophobicRate(%) <0.5 CorrosionResistance Nochemicalreaction Anti-fungal DoesnotMildew ParticleDiameter 50nM Shape(360degreesflexiblecurl) 1M*25 35MRoll Relationbetweentemperatureandthermalconductivity Temperatureofhotsurface(°C) 200 400 600 800 Thermalconductivity(w/m•k) 0.017 0.022 0.03 0.04 Productfeatures: 1.Transmission: Gas phase:thermal conduction can not occur because the free path of the gas molecule collision is larger than the pore size, whilst traditional material gas can transmit heat by molecular collisions. Solid phase:as the particles of the area and contact areais much smaller than traditional materials, resulting in very low thermal conductivity. 2.Convection:the hole size is much smaller than conventional thermal insulation materials,which makes it much difficultfor the gas to flow inside the pores, thereby the convection is minimised. 3.Radiation:by the addition of additives ofinfrared opaque, block hte heat radiation. 4.Excellent hydrophobicity:excellent hydrophobicity makes it able to avoid the degradation caused by wet conditions.Outdoor use in winter does not bear frost and dew. 5.Complete fire protection:this product is completely fireproof material, even if the temperature exceeds the maximum temperature will only lead cracking but not burning. 6.Simple construction:the product is a flexible membrane, which can be constructed fast, even the pipe and valve can be easily coated. This can shorten the duration and reduce the construction cost. 7.Excellent chemical properties:ther are no sodium chloride and the halogen element, sulfate, nitrate ions, iron, aluminium electrolytic corrosion of the anoin contained in the materil, therefore, its PHvalue is 7-8. This means the aluminium or steel pipes will not be corroded. 8.Comprehensive cost saving from storage and transporation:due to the thermal conductivity, this product can save energy as well as less material. This greatly reduces the transporation, storage, handling, management, and other comprehensive costs. 9.Other advantages:the material density is only 120kg percubic meter, which can significantly reduce ther pressure taken by the facilitied. Thegood mechanical propertiesof the materials make it able tobe fully exposed. Energysavings: Low thermal conductivity translates into direct energy savings. this advanced nano-ceramic thermal insulation material with ultra-low thermal conductivity significantly reduces energy consumptions compared with conventional materials. Forexample,apipeof150mmindiameterat600°Cinsulated with mineral wool can save 1226 KWH/year/meter compared with traditional mineral wool. ThermalConductivityComparisonsNote:Theenergylosswillbereducedby20%at400degreesforevery50%reductionoftheinsulationlayer,andupto30%at600degrees.