Tiger L-C (Liquid vitamin c)is a type of highly stable hydrosoluble vitamin C production,developed for applocation in feed and drinking for livestock and poultry under stress conditions.poultry have an ability to synthesize vitamin C,but this ability is inadequate under stress conditions sucn as abnormal temperature.humidity,high productive rate,and parasite infestation.Beneficial effects of vitamin C supplementation exist on immune system,glucose,urea,triglycerides,cholesterol protein and albumin concentrations,and triglycerides,Studies reported the best feed intake,≥10% increase in body weight and ≥60% decrease in mortality of chickens supplemented vitamin C at 20-40mg/bird/day indrinking water under hear stress. Advantages of Tiger L-C: High absorption:≥75% of ingested vitamin C is absorbed from intestines Suitable for the poultry and breeding farm Timely and convenient in using Economic and preserved in liquid stage Mixing evenly High stability:More stable than Crystal Vitamin C Complimentary Vitamin C in Poultry: The chickens maintain the best growth and output. The newly hatched chick has a slow rate to synthesizc vitamin C in body. All eviares the negarive effects induccd by the environmental or social stressors such as hot temperature.high air humidity.tear,group exchanging.tiansportsportation and overcrowding. Alleviates the symptom of some disease and decreases the continuous infection and mortality. Overtaking of antobiotic consumes most of vitamin C in body. In fishery: Most species of fish would develop vitamin C deficiency without dietary vitamin C,i.c,poor appetite.low growth and damage of tissues Dietary vitamin C alleviates the damage and mortality,promotes the skeleton growth.and wound bealing under environmental stressors such as delivery.exchangeing pools,changing of climate,and overcowding.