These shot blasting machines are very versatile since they allow processing different kinds of components, such as small and sensitive parts as well as more complex parts which may be heavy or large and therefore not suitable for tumbling in bulk loads. The hook inside the blasting chamber passes in front of the turbines , exposing the parts to the blasting stream. The rail where the hooks are mounted may be of different design depending on the application. Besides the rail system with one hook per rail there is also the "Y" track system with two hooks and an oval unit with multiple hooks. The "Y" track and Oval designs have an advantage over the single hook setup in that loading / unloading time is reduced. Using a system with more than one hook allows blasting a component inside the blast chamber while a second part is being loaded on a hook outside the blast cabine. Parameters ofHanger Type Shot Blast MachineItemUnitQ376Q378Q379Q3710Q3720Q3730Q3750Q3780Work Piece MaxDiametermmØ600Ø800Ø800Ø800Ø1400Ø1600Ø1800Ø2000Work Piece Max Heightmm11001500160018502300220025003000Max Hook Load Capacitykg6001000100010002000300050008000ProjectiveCapacitykg/min120*2160*2250*2250*2250*3250*3250*4250*4Single hook blasting timemin161414141414Elevator Capacityt/h1520303045456060Separate Capacityt/h1520303045456060Air Volumem3/h280083008300900015000150001800018000Power(excluding dedusting)kw223037.436.5561.2764.478.481.5