High cost performance Solar powerlandscape lightingHigh quality Solar power road lightFor the product itself, manufacturing costs of solar power lamps are higher than the ordinary lamps.In practical cases, if the expenses in the entire construction process is taken into account, the expenses of the ordinary lamps are higher.The large the scale, the more expensive the installation of the ordinary lamps. The initial investment will be higher than that of the solar power lamps.In terms of operation costs, the costs of the ordinary lamps are much higher than the solar power lamps, and the costs will be higher and high (KWH expenses and labor costs).In terms of safety, the solar power lamps adopt the DC lower than 36V, which will not cause any safety problem. As the ordinary lamps use the AC power supply, the wires may have ageing, which will cause serious safety problem.The service life of solar power lamps is much longer than the ordinary lamps. For example, the service life of the main components of solar power lamps (solar cell assembly) is more than 20 years.If the ordinary lamps are scraped affer 10-tear service ,the entire lamps will be scraped. And, the cables will also have the ageing problem, and will not meet the requirements for new lamps. If solar lamps are to be scraped affer 10-year service,the cell will continue to be used (service life reaches 25 years), and the solar cell is the most expensive component in the solar lamps (making over 60% of the total manufacturing costs).With the increasing shortage of energies nowadays, the costs of the cables and KWH for the ordinay road lamps will keep going up. The expenses for installation and service of the ordinary lamps will become higher and higher.In summary, the solar power lighting is in line with the trend of social development and the need of environment protection, and is marked with remarkable economic benefits and social benefits.