*Functions of ceramic membrane filtration technology: a) Clarifies fermentation broth by removing suspensions such as mycelium and fragment of cells b) Purifies the fermentation broth by removing protein and polysaccharide c) Classifies the processing stream which concludes component of different molecular weight d) Eliminates the bacteria and sterilize the fluid e) Removes protein, starch, colloid from plants and viscera solutions f) Refines the final products by removing all suspensions before crystallization g) Acts as a fine prefilter to reduce SDI for organic UF and NF spiral membranes h) Removes the oil from oily emulsion wastewater i) Decreases the COD and SS from seriously polluted liquids j) Collects and concentrates ultra fine solids such as catalyzer in the process liquid k) Desalinates and purifies nanometer material products *Applications: a) Biotech and pharmaceutical i) Antibiotic: erythromycin, cephalothin, guanosine, carnine and erythromycin ii) Ferment organic acid: lactic and citric iii) Amino acid: lysine, glutamic, threonine, aspartame and glycin iv) Vitamin: VC, VB12 and VB2 vii) Biochemistry: thymopetidum, interferon vaccine and enzyme viii) Nature plant extract: puerarin, soybean peptide, nature color, tea polyphenol and China traditional medicine b) Waste water treatment: i) Waste water emulsion in the steel industry ii) Oily water extraction from the auto industry and banknote printing works iii) Cutting and degreasing fluids from the machinery industry iv) Electroplating waste v) Processing alkaline and acid liquids vi) Dealing with waste with pigment from printing and dyeing of high COD and BOD vii) Cutting heavy metal and radioactive substances sewage c) Food and beverage, such as dairy, alcohol, fruit and vegetable juice, sugar, brewing, tea, soy bean, and halobios extraction d) Chemical industry: i) Recovering and concentrating of catalysts and ceramic membrane reactors ii) Concentrating of polymer suspensions and metal hydroxide solutions iii) Desalination of products iv) Cleaning and recycling of organic solvents e) Military water supply: oil rejection f) Brine refining in Chlor-alkali industry