Werbebanner in dieser Kategorie für 1 Jahr: €150 (bestellen)
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ANWENDUNG: Stahlseilfördergurte sind in hohe Festigkeit, lange Strecken und schwere Last Transport von Materialien verwendet werden, und sie sind auc
Shijiazhuang, China
it adopts pneumatic components and sliding block to integrally control rise and fall. Features:The computerized embroidery machine adopts the control
Ningbo, China
it adopts pneumatic components and sliding block to integrally control rise and fall. Features:The computerized embroidery machine adopts the control
Ningbo, China
TZJ Fixed Cord Fabric Creel StandFor Cord Fabric LoomApplicability: The creel stand is the best equipment for nowadays cord fabric production enterpr
Description: Detonating cord cord-like blasting equipment, it used PETN for explosive core and wrapped with special materials. The production lines w
Steel Cord Conveyor Belt is made of Steel Cord , Cord Rubber and Cover Rubbe
Taizhou, China
Baumwollschnur: specificationCotton Twine: 3ply - 120ply von 10S oder 20S yarnsCotton Cord gemacht: DIA. 1,5 mm - 20.0mmPackingCotton Twine: In 4 &qu
Shantou, China