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MARINE AIR BAG---SPECIFICATION DIAMETER WORKING PRESSURE WORKING HIGHT GUARANTEED BEARING CAPACITY PER UNIT LENGTH KN/m T/M Lb/ft D=1.2m (D=3.94FT) 0.17Mpa (24.66psi) 0.7m(2.296ft) 133.61 13.62 9154 0.6m(1.968ft) 160.30 16.34 10983 0.5m(1.640ft) 187.08 19.07 12818 0.4m(1.312ft) 213.76 21.79 14646 0.3m(0.984ft) 240.44 24.51 16474 0.2m(0.656ft) 267.22 27.24 18309 D=1.5m (D=4.92ft) 0.13Mpa (18.85psi) 0.9m(2.952ft) 122.63 12.50 8402 0.8m(2.624ft) 143.03 14.58 9800 0.7m(2.296ft) 163.43 16.66 11198 0.6m(1.968ft) 183.94 18.75 12602 0.5m(1.640ft) 204.34 20.83 14000 0.4m(1.312ft) 224.75 22.91 15398 0.3m(0.984ft) 245.15 24.99 16797 D=1.8m (D=5.90ft) 0.11Mpa (15.95psi) 1.1m(3.608ft) 120.96 12.33 8287 1.0m(3.280ft) 138.22 14.09 9470 0.9m(2.952ft) 155.59 15.86 10660 0.8m(2.624ft) 172.85 17.62 11843 0.7m(2.296ft) 190.22 19.39 13033 0.6m(1.968ft) 207.48 21.15 14216 0.5m(1.640ft) 224.75 22.91 15398 0.4m(1.312ft) 242.01 24.67 16581 0.3m(0.984ft) 259.38 26.44 17771 0.2m(o.656ft) 276.64 28.20 18954 NOTE : THE ABOVE VALLUE IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY . IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACTUAL FENDER SYSTEM DESIGN . YOU CAN CHOOSE THE REQUIRED OF SHIPS AND BOATS OF ALL SIZES. WE WILL MEET YOUR PROJECTS/SUPPLIED UPON CLIENTS REQUEST . Marine inflatable airbag technology is used for vessel launch at shipyards. This technology is less-cost and more flexible than the traditional fixed track slipway. It can also be used for hoisting and transporting heavy goods.FUNCTION 1. High strength 2. Wear resistance and anti-aging3. Good air tightness4. Safety and reliabilityXINCHENG airbag with the optimized structure design has the safety coefficient of 4-6 times, namely that its bursting pressure is 4-6 times its work pressure. Florescence airbag has a multi-channel airbag mouth to enhance the strength and air tightnees between the airbag body and mouth.5. High kneading&compressing resistance and damping capacityPlease let us know the status of your requirement so that we can work on the prices and send you an offer as soon as possible.Regards,