Magnesium Tooling Plate MAGNESIUM TOOLING PLATE is specially produced to provide a flat plate surface with moderate strength and ductility. The production process results in plate with exceptional dimensional stability in machining and remains stable over time. There is sufficient ductility for limited room temperature forming combined with weldability to allow the manufacture of a multitude of complex parts. Wrought magnesium tooling plate (Alloy AZ31B) has the following benefits and characteristics: DAMPINGAbsorbs vibration for longer life, while retaining dimensional stability. TOOLING4 to 5 times greater tool life. FINISHUp to 5 times more machinable than rolled aluminum. COSTSMachine dry, without oil or chemicals. WEIGHTEasier handling saves energy and time. FLATNESSEliminates surface machining. STABILITYNo stress relief after machining; no warps and is dent resistant. WELDINGStrong weldments up to 95% of parent metal, with minimal porosity. ALKALI-RESISTANTMakes for easy cleaning. CORROSION RESISTANTA wide variety of chemical treatments exists for corrosion protection, alteration of surface appearance, and to provide a base for painting. Basic engineering precautions averts galvanic corrosion. STRENGTHExcellent strength and stiffness per unit weight. NON-GALLINGSound and rugged surface, offering a low coefficient of friction and minimum wear, REPID HEATDISSIPATIONIdeal for a broad range of operating temperatures, from 350 degrees Fahrenheit to -30 degrees Fahrenheit. NONMAGNETICGood for electrical and computer applications. UNIT VOLUMEYIELDGreater amount of finished magnesium material obtained, pound for pound. SALVAGEScrap retains a consistently high level of value. APPLICATION Those applications requiring a flat surface or high dimensional stability benefit from the use of magnesium tooling plate. Typical uses included jigs, fixtures, optical benches, vibration test equipment and inspection gauges. Magnesium Tooling Plate is non-magnetic and has high electrical and thermal conductivity filling many material requirements in the electronics and computer industries. TOOLING PLATES STANDARD METRIC SIZES 6.35 x 1250 x 2500mm 20 x 1500 x 4000mm 50 x 1500 x 4000mm 6.35 x 1250 x 4000mm 25 x 1250 x 2500mm 60 x 1250 x 2500mm 10 x 1250 x 2500mm 25 x 1250 x 4000mm 60 x 1250 x 4000mm 10 x 1250 x 4000mm 25 x 1500 x 4000mm 60 x 1500 x 4000mm 12.7 x 1250 x 2500mm 30 x 1250 x 2500mm 75 x 1250 x 2500mm 12.7 x 1250 x 4000mm 30 x 1250 x 4000mm 75 x 1250 x 4000mm 12.7 x 1500 x 4000mm 30 x 1500 x 4000mm 75 x 1500 x 4000mm 15 x 1250 x 2500mm 40 x 1250 x 2500mm 100 x 1250 x 2000mm 15 x 1250 x 4000mm 40 x 1250 x 4000mm 125 x 1250 x 2000mm 15 x 1500 x 4000mm 40 x 1500 x 4000mm 150 x 1250 x 1500mm 20 x 1250 x 2500mm 50 x 1250 x 2500mm 20 x 1250 x 4000mm 50 x 1250 x 4000mm Other sizes are available subject to enquiry, up to a maximum per plate weight of 1100kg. Maximum gauge: 200mm; Maximum width 2000mm; Maximum length: 5000mm. DETAIDED INFORMATION OF OUR MAGNESIUM TOOLING PLATE IS AVAILABLE UPON YOUR REQUIREMENTS.