Ort der Herkunft |
Guangdong China (Mainland) |
Marke |
ShingWah |
Modell-Nummer |
SW-C119 |
Material |
Metall |
Metallart |
Zinn |
Verwenden |
Tee |
coffee tin box: Item No.: SW-C119 Size: 119x78x189Hmm Material: 0.23mm thickness tinplate Printing: CMYKor Pantone Colors Description: Shing Wah Packing Manufactory is a leading metal tin manufacturer in China, It was established in 1999 ,manufacturing in all kinds of tin can, tin box, gift box, tea tin, coffee tin, chocolate tin, candy tin, CD tin, lunch box etc.The company covers an area of 12,000 square meters and has 16 product lines. Our management concept is “Safety, high efficiency, superior quality, low cost”, by which the company set up quality management system, to use complete quality management policy and standard inspection measure as the inspection tenet,and to hold Zero Defect as the quality goal.andwecooperatedwithsomanyfamouscompanies,suchasCocacola,Hello Kitty,Disney,andsoon.Pleasekindlyrefertothefollowingdetailedinformationaboutofcompany. 1.WehavegotthecertificationofSGS. 2.WehavetheMSDSforinkandtinplate. 3.WepassedtheIntertektestfortinplateandtheproducts. 4.WehavetheGSVCertificationandAuditreportwithscoreof91.Accordingtotheinformationabove,youcanbelievethatwearethebest,wecanprovidewhatyouneed.ThematerialweusedareallgradeAtinplate,whichareimportedfromJapan.Withthedust-freeroomingradeof10000,wecanmakethefoodpackingforyouinourworkshopaswell.Ourtypicalproductsaregroupedasbelowstyle:Foodcontainers:chocolate,tea,coffee,candy,snacks,milkpowder,wineboxesandcigarcases;Giftwareboxes:Decorativetins,cointanks,musicboxes,watchboxes,glassesholders&holidaytins;Homeuseitems:Lunchboxes,carry-allboxes,servingtrays,wateringcans,garbagecans,etc.Promotionals:Candleholders,CDcases,tinsigns/posters,badges/pins,astrays,coasters,penboxes.Hopewecanhavecooperationwitheachotherinshorttime,andanymoredetailsyouneed,plsfeelfreetocontactwithus! We can supply tin box in a wide rang of specifications. Disclaimer: 1. The products featured herein are shown as a sample and are not intended to represent an endorsement by the individual company(ies). 2. Specific design(s) shown on this sample is/are the respective property of the company(ies) which are identified. 3. The use of these specific design(s) is/are strictly for demonstrative purposes as examples of size, design, position and color, and they are not for resale. Inner packing: According to customer's request Outer packing: According to customer's request