Ort der Herkunft |
Guangdong China (Mainland) |
Marke |
If you are making a deal with a small-scale, irregular or moderate-scale supplier in China, we can help you lower your risks and cost directly. Making a deal with Chinese suppliers is becoming much easier. You can get a awful good offer from your suppliers in China, but you may face the universal problem below: 1, You can only do the payment to the business owner's private account or the account of a paper corporation in Hong Kong. T/T to the factory's account or L/C is not accepted. 2, You can't lower the supplier's offer after the Chinese government raise the export tax rebate. 3, It's not so easy to find a reliable forward in China. You have to deal with a lot of people even you can find one. 4, The supplier always delay the delivery on the plea of the customs.We are a international trading broker and exporting expert since 1984. We can be your local representative in China to solve all the trifles you face while purchasing stuff from China. All you need to only to decide who you want to make a deal with. First, you can pay by L/C now, or T/T to the corporation account. Many factories in China don't have their own license for exporting. That's why they can't accept T/T to the factory's account or L/C. Our clients include many factories in China. Second, China raises export tax rebates for 7 Times since 2008-8-1. The latest raising is on 2009-6-1. Have you got your offer down? We can do the job well. Thirty, Obviously, it will be convenient if you found a reliable forward in China. We provide one-stop services including the logistics. You can appoint us as your local representative in China. Fourth, it always has some problems while declaring your goods at customs. Generally speaking, the suppliers plead customs in excuse of their inexperience. More than 50 customs brokers with over 25 years experiences can help you ensure the delivery after the goods finished. To find out more information, please mail to us