Semiconductor high frequency induction heating power supply is a new and high technology.which has obvious energy saving effect producted in 20th century.The core technology is power semiconductor mosfet being used, which make our machine solidified fully. Comparing with high frequency radio-tube commonly used in production in our country, the machines have conversion efficiency improved from 50% to 90%,size decreased 1/2,water saving 45%,electricity saving 40%,and the machines is more safe,more reliable,more durable.Digital circuit technology make automation control come true. The development of the sery products make a technology innovation of semiconductor high frequency induction heating power supply.It will replace high wasting high frequency radio-tube longly used.Because of stable oscillation current and high frequency,the products are suitble for metal part surface heating treatment including quenching and annealing.which also can apply to welding of special metal part and other mechanical treatment area. With output power ranges from 5kw to 200kw and oscillation ranges from 100khz to 400khz,we offers wide selects of induction heating power to users Specification: Type Input power (KVA) Output power (KW) Oscillation frequency (KHZ) Weight (Kg) BGP-5 6 5 100 400 100 BGP-10 12 10 100 400 150 BGP-20 25 20 100 400 200 BGP-30 35 30 100 400 260 BGP-60 75 60 100 400 300 BGP-80 95 80 100 300 350 BGP-100 120 100 100 300 400 BGP-200 220 200 100 300 500 characteristic and advantages: 1 Thyristor loss is low working in open-closea,overall efficiency is more than 90% with high energy saving. 2 Small size; light weight; material saving 3 Low working voltage makes operation safe; voltage of thyristor is only DC 300V; run safely and high reliability. 4 Having wide range of high load flexibility; debugging easily. 5 Long life of semiconducor; low failure rate. 6 Structure of seriation and blocking and modularity make install and replace easily; repair and maintenate easily.