Bawell Trinkwasser-Reinigung-System

Bawell Trinkwasser-Reinigung-System

Guangzhou, China
Henry Lan


Ort der Herkunft Guangdong China (Mainland)
Marke Bawell
Modell-Nummer BW-JSJ-05
Geben Conditioner
This is 5-stage purifying system designed for high quality purification of water in household, office, canteens etc. Connecting to municipally treated source water, the system provides you safe, clean and great tasting drinking water. Features: 1. User Friendly: The innovative construction allows for an easy filter replacement without the need to use a wrench, while the flush waterline design can protect the 4th and 5th stage filters from contaminated by the prefilters. 2. Ultra Filtration: State 1: 5-micron sediment filter: reduce mechanical impunities, sand, dirt and rust; Stage 2: pre-activated granular carbon block filter: reduce and remove unpleasant taste and odor, chlorine and its derivatives such THMs, chemicals linked to cancers and pesticides etc; Stage 3: powder activated carbon filter: with more larger absorbing capacity, further remove all organic chemicals in the water; Stage 4: UF filter: with uncountable pores from 0.1micron to 1micron, over 99.9% water born bacterial and virus is removed. Stage 5: Composite Filter composed of alkalizing ceramic particles, Maifan stone, tourmaline, KDF and nano-size activated carbon, this filter is great for energizing and alkalizing the water, make the water molecule smaller and taste great. 3. Large Filtration life: Sediment filter: 6`8months Pre-activated carbon Filter: 10 18months PAC Filter: 12 18months UF Filter: 12 18months Composite Filter: 12 18months

Lieferbedingungen und Verpackung

Hafen: Guangzhou


Telegraphic transfer


Western Union


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