AL Pin Our round, tapered pins have a milled wedge slot. Pins are made from steel and are heat-treated or long life. 1aluminum form accessories 2 aluminum
9m Hubarbeitsbühne - GTWY9 GIER Single-mast aerial work platform is one of main products of Johnson M.e.. It is designed based on American and European standard like products.
8m Doppelmast (zwei Personen) Hubarbeitsbühne GIER Single-mast aerial work platform is one of main products of Johnson M.e.. It is designed based on American and European standard like products.
15.33m Aluminiumlegierung Fahrgerüst-System / scaf Rung frames can be alternatively combined in many heights (not heigher than max. height). Differences among MODE ‘Standard’, ‘Norma
14m Doppelmast (zwei Personen) Hubarbeitsbühne GIER Single-mast aerial work platform is one of main products of Johnson M.e.. It is designed based on American and European standard like products.
15,8 Mio. Aluminiumlegierung Fahrgerüst-System / Scaff Rung frames can be alternatively combined in many heights (not heigher than max. height). Differences among MODE ‘Standard’, ‘Norma
8.37m Aluminiumlegierung Fahrgerüst-System / Scaff Rung frames can be alternatively combined in many heights (not heigher than max. height). Differences among MODE ‘Standard’, ‘Norma
12.55m Aluminiumlegierung Fahrgerüst-System / scaf Rung frames can be alternatively combined in many heights (not heigher than max. height). Differences among MODE ‘Standard’, ‘Norma
Selbstfahrende Scherenarbeitsbühnen Arbeitsbühne - GTJZ GIER self-propelled scissor aerial work platform is one of main products of Johnson M.e.. It is designed based on American and European standard like
6m Hubarbeitsbühne - GTWY6J GIER Single-mast aerial work platform is one of main products of Johnson M.e.. It is designed based on American and European standard like products.
8m Hubarbeitsbühne - GTWY8 GIER Single-mast aerial work platform is one of main products of Johnson M.e.. It is designed based on American and European standard like products.
Stahlleiter material: Q234/ Q 345 hot rolled steel plate, iron angle, welded pipe, stee I- beam, channel steel and so on. Chinese standardthickness of steel plat
bewegliche Stahlleiter material: Q234/ Q 345 hot rolled steel plate, iron angle, welded pipe, stee I- beam, channel steel and so on. Chinese standardthickness of steel plat
Stahlplattform Spezifikatione
Stahl Betriebsplattform Spezifikatione
Zug Teile / Stahlplattform Spezifikatione
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