热水锅炉用于热水的温度是95oC,被迫流通的水操作压力为0.3兆帕(3kgf/cm2)为供热工艺过程中产业:农业、建筑业、公用事业、食品和木工。 垂直的锅炉容易维护,并不需要大量的现金支出进行操作
克魯泡特金, 俄罗斯
蒸汽锅炉的设计用来产生蒸气温度最高达到115о,由于内在的热器用一个过压达到0.07MPa(0.7公斤/cm2)为供热工艺过程中产业:农业、建筑业、公用事业、食品和木工。 水平锅炉容易维护,并不需要大量的现金支出进行操作
克魯泡特金, 俄罗斯
传送链设计成移动的油籽、谷物和副产品和其他大宗物品在固定的状况、水平和在任何角度至60度。 驱动的链传送安装的俄罗斯和外国的生产根据客户。 详细的规格,链传送带中所示的表格
克魯泡特金, 俄罗斯
送链的是设计用来接收从斗和运动的油籽、谷物和副产品和其他大宗物品在固定的条件下的水平。 驱动的链传送安装的俄罗斯和外国的生产根据客户。 详细的规格,链传送带中所示的表格
克魯泡特金, 俄罗斯
传送链设计成移动的种子、粮食和产品的处理和散装材料中的固定条件下,在水平和一个角度可达5克。 驱动的链传送安装的俄罗斯和外国的生产根据客户
克魯泡特金, 俄罗斯
克魯泡特金, 俄罗斯
车卸载器是设计用于装卸的粮食作物、粮食和其他松散的材料通过打开侧单车辆autotrace拖车和卡车的倾斜角度为38。 该机构的avtomobilestroenie安排在以下方式:斜坡的边的墙壁,以使散装材料的移动,沿着一定路径所需的能力
克魯泡特金, 俄罗斯
The bulk material is loaded into the charging hopper of the conveyor belt and transported by the load-bearing conveyor mechanism, the belt, to the di
敖德萨, 乌克兰
The bulk material is loaded into the charging hopper of the conveyor belt and transported by the load-bearing conveyor mechanism, the belt, to the di
敖德萨, 乌克兰
The bulk material is loaded into the enclosed casing and then the product is transported by the pulling conveyor part, the chain with cleats, to the
敖德萨, 乌克兰
UNIQUE STRUCTURE, PIONEER OF THE WORLD 1 The silo wall is anti-wind ring-shaped pressure rib plate and every 1 meter between the ring-shaped pressure
哈尔滨市, 中国
UNIQUE STRUCTURE, PIONEER OF THE WORLD 1 The silo wall is anti-wind ring-shaped pressure rib plate and every 1 meter between the ring-shaped pressure
哈尔滨市, 中国
UNIQUE STRUCTURE, PIONEER OF THE WORLD 1 The silo wall is anti-wind ring-shaped pressure rib plate and every 1 meter between the ring-shaped pressure
哈尔滨市, 中国
UNIQUE STRUCTURE, PIONEER OF THE WORLD 1 The silo wall is anti-wind ring-shaped pressure rib plate and every 1 meter between the ring-shaped pressure
哈尔滨市, 中国
UNIQUE STRUCTURE, PIONEER OF THE WORLD 1 The silo wall is anti-wind ring-shaped pressure rib plate and every 1 meter between the ring-shaped pressure
哈尔滨市, 中国
UNIQUE STRUCTURE, PIONEER OF THE WORLD 1 The silo wall is anti-wind ring-shaped pressure rib plate and every 1 meter between the ring-shaped pressure
哈尔滨市, 中国
The flour silo stores flour material and inside of silo is smooth. The unit capacity is 20T to 200T. The grain silo stores wheat, maize, bean and so