Металлургическое сырье Предприятие производит и продает брикеты чугунные 23А и брикеты стальные 6А по ГОСТ 2787-75. Оказываем услуги по брикетированию стружки. Имеется собс
scrap iron compress machine(Y83-3150 ) Y83-3150 scrap iron compress machineApplications: Y83 series of briquetting presses are applied to compress metal sawdust(steel,cast iron,aluminum &a
scrap iron baling press Applications: Y83 series of briquetting presses are applied to compress metal sawdust(steel, cast iron, aluminum & copper) into cylindrical briqu
scrap iron compress machine(Y83-5000) Y83-6300 scrap iron compress machine Applications: Y83 series of briquetting presses are applied to compress metal sawdust(steel,cast iron,aluminum &
Y83-4000 scrap iron compress machine Y83-4000 scrap iron compress machineApplications: Y83 series of briquetting presses are applied to compress metal sawdust(steel,cast iron,aluminum &a
scrap iron baler Y81/T-1250 Hydraulic metal baler Applications: Y81 series of hydraulic metal balers are applicable in steel plants, recycling companies, ferrous&
Pipeline Permanent Magnetic Tramp-iron Remover RCYG1, RCYG2 series pipeline permanent magnet except by without magnetic iron piping and permanent magnet except iron two parts. This product adopts
液压废铁Baler Model Y81-125L automatic hydraulic scrap ironbalerismainly used to make waste irons packed and copressed. Then recycle them and environmentally reduc