CBL series marine explosion-proofcentrifugal fans 1. Preface Marine centrifugal fan: Volume:500 21000m3/h, Pressure:245 2800Pa, Power:0.75 18.5KW, CBZ series explosion-proof axial centrifugal fans for marine use are designed and manufactured according to GB 11799-89(Marine Explosion-proof Axial Centrifugal Fans), and general description and explosion-proof electrical equipment d of GB3836-83 Electrical apparatus for explosive atom-spheres and Regulations for the Construction and classification of Sea-going steel ships. 2. Application They can be delivered for gas mixtures or vapour containing combustibles and explosives, for ordinary air, for sea air containing salt fog, for air containing oil fog and other corrupt air supply or extracition. Theses explosion-proof fan series are best suited to pumping out gas mixtures or vapour containing combustibles and explosives in oil cabins holds, pump-rooms, battery cabins, ammunition cabins, hangars, paint houses, etc . They can also be used for ventilation of other compartments of shipping and corresponding place of land's. 3. Operation Conditions Ambient temperatures: -25 +50 Relative humidity of the air: ≤95% Cyclical vacillation: 22.5° 45° Sustained horizontal tilting: ±15° Sustained vertical tilting: ±10° Vibration: existent Shock: existent 4. Structural Types There are two structural types: type I (motor-direct-driving type), type II (Separate cabins type).The construction is spark free. The structure of type I is a motor-direct driving one, the vane wheel is mounted directly to motor-shaft, and the housing is fixed on the flange of the explosion-proof motor. The type II is a separate structure, i.e. the fan and the motor are put into different cabins, with a driving device, a pairs of flexible coupling, and the driving device consists of bearings, bearing-box, shaft, brass rings, stuffing, it can be oiled and measured temperature, one side is fixed on the fan, and the other side will be mounted on the bulkhead. The fan may be made into a horizontal or vertical, single-stage, single-drawing and airtight structure by the customers requesting. The fan can be made into a counter clock-wise rotating type or a clockwise one. The counter-clockwise rotating type (Left turning type)-Taking a front view from the motor side, you will see the vane wheel turns counter-clockwise. We use L to indicate it, and by the same way, the clockwise rotating type can be indicated as R. 5.Features Explosion-proofsafe and reliable in operation. Small in size, light in weight,20horizontal or vertical, single-stage, single-drawing and airtight structure by the customers requesting. The fan can be made into a counter clock-wise rotating type or a clockwise one. The counter-clockwise rotating type (Left turning type)-Taking a front view from the motor side, you will see the vane wheel turns counter-clockwise. We use L to indicate it, and by the same way, the clockwise rotating type can be indicated as R. The outlet position of the fan, according to the rotating direction of the vane wheel, is made into the following main types, by your requesting the outlet position is allowed to use other types, the angle of which is 30°or 22.5° 6. Gradingang Groupiong of Dangerous Explosives Mixtures (Table I) Dangerous explosive mixture are graded according to their ability of spreading explosion, they are grouped according to their ignition temperatures. groups grades T1(420<t)T2(300<t≤450)T3(200<t≤300)T4(135<t≤200)IIAMethaneEthanePropaneTolueneAcetic acidCarbon monoxideBenzeneEthyl acetateMethanolEthanolEthylenzenedichloroethanePetroleumGasolineFuel oilDiesel oilDiesel oilturpentineAcetaldehydeTrmethylamineIIBGas from coking coalCyan hydrogenNaphthenealkynesEpoxyethaneEthyleneacrylicsVulcanized oxygenTetrahydrofuranetherFluanDietherEthyl etherIICHydrogenWater gasAcetylene cthyme