organic &inorganic NPK fertilizer 1. compared to regrlar NPK Compond Fertilizer formulations,organic fertilizers contain relatively low concentrations of actural nutrients ,but they perform important functions which the synthetic formaulations do not.they increase the organic content and consequently the water-holding capacity of the soil .they improve the physical structure ot the soil which allows more air to get to plant roots .where organic sources are used for fertilizer ,bacterial and fungal activity increases in the soil.Mycorrhizal fungi which make other nutrients more available to plants thrive in soil where the organic matter content is high .Organically derived plant nutrients are slow to leach from the soil making them less likely to contribute to water pollution than synthetic fertilizers. 2.Raw materila :high humus soil content ,slow release fertilizers,traditional soil amentments and a new approach using bio-feeds.The latter are not so much fertilizer but micro-organsims to help plants access soil nutrients.This it an exciting time for gardeners. 3.Top dressing fertilizer to keep your plants going as the season progresses ,The fertilizer usually make as base fertilizer before you plant .There are some specific fertilizers to:green up a lawn ,for tomatoes ,photoes,roses ,dahlias ,chrysanthemums,or flowers,or before planting shrubs,or seasonal use in spring or in autumn ,or for indoor plants and potting compost mixes. 4.we also can make the organic and inorganic fertilizer ,which is put the NPK into the organic fertilizer .The contents of N P K and trace -elements.(B ,Cu,Zn,Mn,Mg ,Si ,etc.)can be customized according to requirements N=nitrogen,P=phosphorus ,K=potassium products:1.pure organic fertilzer .organic nutrients>30% .organic and inorganic fertilizer .organic nutrients>20%,NPK:13-2-3,10-2-4,13-0-2,4-