JIGIJIGIis an all-natural herbal sexual enhancement supplement and helps to increase libido , helps to enhance u sexual pleasure safely and re-energize the sex drive of men. It is safe and extremely effective ,JIGIJIGI helps to give men an increased number of ejaculatory contractions for longer lasting orgasms , stronger, deeper contractions that are much fuller from start to finish allowing for significantly more intense orgasms. It also helps to increase ejaculate volume for longer , stronger “ release sensation “ and supports faster ejaculate recovery times for much better second orgasms. JIGIJIGI Speical points : Harder and powerful erections Increase depth and intensity of orgasm Increase u sex drive Minimize premature or rapid ejaculation Increase sexual stamina and staying power Ingredients : Herba Epimedii, Rhodiola sacra, Ginseng, Polygonatum, Herba Cistanches, Cinnamon , Amylum. Works within 20 minutes, support firm erection up to one hour , efficacy valid for 24 - 72 hours.OEM and private label service are available.We can also DUPLICATE u wanted products, just need few samples from u.