Culture Stone Wall Stone, Cultural Slate, Art Stone, Stone Wall Cladding, Antique Stone, Chimera Stone,Slab Stone,Man Made Stone Composition Portland cement Lightweight aggregate Iron oxide pigments Characteristics A variety of styles, textures and colors Suitable for different climates without damage and color faded For inside or outside decoration High strength and durability Low water absorption Low drying shrinkage Good freezing resistance Low density and easy to carry out Application a)exterior decoration: villas, townhouses, multi-storey apartments;b)interior decoration: hotel lobbies, bars, cafes, designer stores, home rooms, wine cellar, village clubs and so on;c)landscape architecture and decoration: golf course, the wall of art building, artificial waterfall, resorts, modern architecture.Artificial Stone Physical Technical DataCompressive Strength12.8 MpaRupture Strength3.4 MpaWater Absorption< 18%Drying Shrinkage0.5 mm/mFreezing resistance (Minus 20 Degrees Celsius )Weight Loss:0.75%Compressive Strength:10.7MpaDensity1120 kg/m3 Different design can be made as required.