出生地 |
Shaanxi China (Mainland) |
牌子的名字 |
Longxiang Electric |
模式的数量 |
VS1 Series |
类型 |
高压电 |
波兰人人数 |
3 |
ZN63A(VS1 )12seriesofindoorvacuumcircuitbreakerisusedforindoor12kVswitchgear,itissuitabletocontrolandprotecttransmissionanddistributionsystemsuchaselectricnetworkequipmentandindustrial&miningindustryetcastheirprotectionandcontrolunit. ItcanmatchwithKYN28(GZS1),XGNandGG1-Aseriesofswitchgears.TheProductsmeetstandardsofGB1984-2003,thisseriesofproductsinclude:VCBtruck,isolationtruckandFusetruckEtc. Structuralcharacteristics: 1.ThisseriesofVCBisusedintegrateddesignforoperatingmechanismandVCBbodywithreasonable,beautifulandcompactarrangement. 2.ThisseriesofVCBadoptedverticalinsulationhouseagainstimpactduetodifferentweather,itcaneffectivelypreventVIsagainstdamagebyexteriorfactors, 3.ThetwodifferentinstallationunitofFixedtypeandwithdrawabletypecanmeetthedifferentrequirementsfordifferentswitchgear. Applying ambient conditions: 1.Ambient temperature: -10+40. 2.The height above sea level: ≤ 1000 m (Not including special requirements) . 3. Relative humidity: the average humidity of a day should be no more than 95%. The average humidity of a month should be no more than 90%. 4. Saturated vapor pressure: the average pressure of a day should be no more than 2.2kPa; the average pressure of a month should be no more than 1.8Kpa. 5. Earthquake intensity: not exceed 8 degrees. 6. It should be installed in the places without fire, explosion, serious filth, and chemical erosion and violent vibration. MainTechnicalSpecification S.N Name Unit Data 1 Ratedvoltage kV 12 2 Ratedfrequency Hz 50/60 3 Ratedcurrent A 630 1000 1250 630 1000 1250 1250 1600 2000 1600 2000 2500 3150 4 Ratedshortcircuitbreakingcurrent kA 20 25 31.5 40 5 Ratedpeakwithstandcurrent kA 50 63 80 100 6 Ratedshort-circuitduration S 4 7 Ratedpowerfrequencywithstandvoltage Betweenphases,phasetoground kV 42/1min Betweengaps kV 48/1min 8 Ratedlightningimpulsewithstandvoltage Betweenphases,phasetoground kV 75 Betweengaps 85 9 Ratedoperatingsequence 0-0.3s-CO-180s-CO/0-180s-CO-180s-CO(40kA) 10 powersourcevoltageofopeningandclosingcircuit V ∼220/-110;-220/110 11 Ratedcurrentofopeningandclosingcoil A -220/1.11;-110/2.75 12 Ratedbreakingcurrentofsinglecapacitorbank A 630 13 Ratedbreakingcurrentofbacktobackcapacitorbank A 400 14 Electricalenduranceclass ClassE2(30cycles) 15 Mechanicalendurance Cycle (classM1)10000 16 Clearancebetweenopencontacts mm 111 17 Contactstrokeofcontacts mm 3.50.5 18 OutofsimultaneityofCOoperationsofthreepoles ms 2 19 Contactbouncingdurationatclosingoperation ms 2/3(40kA) 20 Closingtime ms 35∼70 21 Openingtime ms 20∼50 22 Averageclosingspeed m/s 0.60.2 23 Averageopeningspeed m/s 1.10.2 24 Maincircuitresistanceofeachpole 50(630A)45(1250A) 35(1600∼2000A)(above2500)