Application Series TY turbine oil purification plant is used for treating the unqualified turbine oil, especially the seriously emulsified turbine oil. This machine can clean the oil down to NAS 4,removing contamination and emulsified water down to less than 50 ppm. The treated oil can be reused as new.Features: Zhongneng Oil Purifier can remove contamination down to less than one micron, water, air & gases and lower oxidised molecules of oil from turbine oils.Removal of free and emulsified water prevents formation of varnish and bacteria. Turbine oil is 98% base oil and it has approximately 2% additives. By keeping the oil free from water and contamination down to less than a micron, zhongneng protects the turbine oil additives, which can then continue to perform their essential functions for a very long time thereby increasing oil life tremendously.zhongneng replaceable filter element uses filter media which not only removes particles by depth filtration but it also has an affinity to remove varnish, sludge and lacquer from oil by adsorbtion.The zhongneng filter is unaffected by water and can remove large quantities of contamination which makes it a very cost effective tool for removing contamination from turbine oils.Zhongneng offers a full line of oil purifiers, allowing for you to choose the model best suited for your application. Zhongneng oil purifiers can help you realize a wide range of opportunities for savings: • Extension of fluid life • Improved productivity • Purification of collected fluids • Reduced time for fluid changes • Less frequent fluid disposal • Minimized corrosion within fluid systems • Increased equipment reliability(oil purifier, oil purification, oil filtration, oil recycling, oil treatment, oil regeneration, oil restoration, oil filtering, waste oil disposal, oil reclaiming, waste oil management, energy saving, oil reconditioned, oil reconstituted, oil restituting, oil recovering ,oil filtration, oil filter, petroleum machine)Our Main Products: Series ZY Single-Stage Vacuum Transformer Oil Purifier Series ZYD Double High Vacuum Transformer Oil Purifier Series ZYB Multiply-Function insulating oil treatment machine Series TY Turbine Oil Purification Apparatus Series TYA Lubricating oil/ hydraulic oil purification unit Series LYE Engine oil recycling system Series TYB Portable light Fuel oil purification machine Series PL Plate pressure oil purifier Series TYD Vacuum dehydrator Series EFD Explosion protection filtration machine Series JL Portable oil filtering and oiling machine Series IIJ Oil Tester (BDV Tester)