Seiko SPT print head Produced By the Japanese Seiko electronics group,Seiko is well-known in the production of precision clocks throughout the world,now in the production of piezoelectric nozzle have been very strong foundation and stability. a. The stainless steel design,with super-resistant life and each nozzle have 510 b. Head voltage change by temperature. c. Its data port can adapt different printing software d. The ink droplet is 35PL and 12PL,the highest standards of accuracy are 720DPI and1440DPI. e. The printing wide is 75mm,which is four times than normal head with high speed output. f. It applies to industry and business scope. g. The entire production line is tested by Japan's Seiko Electronics Group,the ink is put into market after Seiko Group certification h. Low cost and popular. At present,domestic manufacturers of large-scale application of the United Yang Fei is the limit machine series and now works. Mainly in the domestic application of the nozzle series: SEIKO SPT 510 35PL (mainstream limit nozzle) SEIKO SPT 255 12PL