Propolis is a gelatinous substance processed by bees mixed with resin from spore & bark and secretion from its lingual and wax glands. Bees use propolis to paste comb & nest and have “their house” sterilized. That is why the bees can survive up to today after millions of years under hard living conditions. Propolis is natural nutrient which contains many kinds of compounds like flavones, acids and many kinds of amino-acids, fat acid, enzyme, vitamins and micro-elements. Therefore, propolis is called as the most perfect natural antibacterial. Main Nutrients of Propolis: Contains more than 20 kinds of useful flavones compound. Of these, two kinds of flavones were first found in the nature. Propolis also contains rich vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. There are more than 34 kinds of microelements and other active enzymes, acids and fats. So far, there is no better natural substance more than propolis on its kinds and amount of the nutrients. Main functions: To clean body blood and prevent disease; to soften blood and improve microcirculation; to build-up immunity; Anti cancer and anti bacterial