The Non-Stroboscopic & Non-Glare Fluorescent Piano Lamp The reading of music notes whilst playing the piano is an eye intensive activity and requires proper task illumination. Regular piano lamps are not much more than incandescent light bulbs housed in a brass casing that does not allow direct illumination of the notes. The major draw back to this is the glare from the lamp which is typically situated above eye level, as in the case of upright pianos. Another problem is that normal brass piano lamps do not blend in with the dark brown wood of pianos. The Relax Piano Lamp is highly adjustable and allows for DIRECT and CONSTANT illumination of music notes. When not in use, it can be collapsed neatly into itself, forming a compact dark box, which is in harmony in both color and form with the piano and the rest of your furniture. Our piano lamp is specifically designed for use with the upright type piano and is not necessarily suitable for grand pianos due to differences in height between the two types of instruments. The Relax Piano Lamp is specially designed for the illumination of music notes whilst playing the piano and protects your eyes. Firstly, it employs the use of non-stroboscopic lighting, allowing for more comfortable reading and less eyestrain. Secondly, the specially designed louvers limit the exit angle of the light and ELIMINATE any glare whilst playing the piano.