All the replica products are made by our own factory, located in Shanghai. We take OEM service for the world dealers.
Horse-hoof round back chair is deemed by professional designers the most outstanding and comfortable chair in the world and it is a combination of Mongonian and Chinese history in Song Dynasty. Sizes and spaces for the CD cabinet can be developed by customers. All the craftsmanship is hand-made with mortis and tenon structure without the using of nails or modern glues while small proportion of the natural white lacqure is used in the joint part.
Due to the different climate and humidity in various areas of the world, it is very important for both of us to communicate about them before any furniture is newly made or shipped. Our team will give specific suggestions about preventing the cracking happing in your area.
Professional wrapping and exclusive shippment parteners will add value for the competitive supply advantage over other manufactures or dealers here in Shanghai. English-literate consultant team will facilitate the communication in many ways.
Long-term parteners are our main interest and we will strive our best to support them and the truth is we mean it and we do it.