Description: Potassium humate is a kind of high polymer heterogeneous aromatic sylvine with black solid crystal appearance. It is alkaline, soluble in water and contains hydroxyl, carboxyl and other active groups. Characteristic: Solubility in water (dry basis): ≥98% Humic acid (dry basis): ≥80% Soluble Potassium (k2o dry basis): ≥12% Moisture: ≤15% PH: 9-10 Size rate ( 0.2-1mm): ≥95% Function: 1. increase permeability of plant membranes, easily absorbed by plant owing to its molecular weight 2. Enhance immunity and obtain healthy growth of plants. 3. increase the efficiency of poisons and detoxify pollutants in soil 4. provide valuable organic substances for soil microorganisms; stimulate microcosmic biological activity 5. improve root development and seed germination 6. influence enzyme system and stimulate plant in many ways Application: crops Application rate No and time of application Tomato, pepper, egg-plant Open ground: 60-80kg/ha Greenhouse: 6-10g/m2 Before or after transplanting at the beginning of the vegetative period until flowering Cucumber, melon, water-melon Strawberry Ornamental shrubs and trees, flowers, nursery Apple, pear Peach-tree, apricot-tree, cherry-tree, grape Citrus trees Dessert grapes 60-80kg/ha 1-2 applications beginning from vegetative renewal until flowering