Black Ant Sex Pill This product has been made by biology medicine research center, through extracting ant rich nutriment and made form unique medicinal effect extracts. It is an up-to-date product launched to market after it is through the success of the clinic experiment, with little side effects, rapid and long lasting effects, and it is a popular man health care product. Those who suffer from hypertension, cardiopathy, or is after drinking alcohol can set their heart at rest to take it.NameBlack antFunctionSex enhancerPlace of originGuangdong,ChinaSpecification80capsules/box150*108*67mm0.4kg/boxIngredientPolyrhachis vicina roger (Black Ant), Formica Sanguinea, Ginseng (root) Hippocampi, Medlar, Proprietary Blend of Essential Amino Acids and Trace MineralsUsageTake one capsule with a cup of warm water about 30 minutes before sexual intercourseTipsDo not take more than one capsule within 24 hours period. If the erection(s) persists or becomes longer or more frequent then desired it could be brought down by drinking cold water repeatedly.