double columncnc lathe machinewith high precision 1, heavy dutycnc lathe machinefeatures(1),heavy duty vertical cnc lathe machineretain all the advantages of the original vertical lathes C51 series (2),double column cnc lathe machinethrough the installation of the servo motor axis,expanding the range of processing and improve efficiency (3),cnc lathe vertical cnc lathe machinewith high precisionSIEMENS CNC system with high reliability (4),4 meters length cnc lathe machine has pulse generator. with a hand-held, easy to operate (5),high precision cnc lathe machinehase the rest all by SchneiderElectric,electrical cabinets with air conditioners,machine stable and reliable (6)cnc lathe machine has excellent economy2, heavy duty cnc lathe machinetechnical data Parameter NameunitCJK5225ECJK5225ECJK5225E×H/10×H/12×H/16the limit of vertical turret to move±30±30±30The scope turret feedmm/min0.1-5000.1-5000.1-500Beam travelmm1250/1750/22501250/1750/22501250/1750/2250Beam move speedmm/min350350350vertical travel of the right vertical turretmm1000/12501000/12501000/1250Horizontal travel of the right vertical turretmm140014001400vertical travel of the left vertical turretmm1000/12501000/12501000/1250Horizontal travel of the left vertical turretmm140014001400the fast speed of the turret movemm/min600060006000Arbor section size (W * H)mm40*5040*5040*50Main motor powerKw555555CNC systemSIEMENS 802DSLHand-held pulse generatorJapan, east of the TOSOKUOverall vartical lathe dimensions (L * W * H)cm504*440*504*440*504*440*(435/485/585)(435/485/585)(435/485/585)lathe weightt32/34/35.532/34/35.532/34/363,cnc lathe machinepictures (1) heavy duty cnc lathe machine company(2)cnc lathe machine (3)cnc lathe machine accessories-control panel (4)heavy duty machine vertical cnc lathe machineproduct line (5)profile forcnc lathe machine