

原价: 4 150 USD
杭州市, 中国
杭州市, 中国
jiali pang


出生地 Jiangsu China (Mainland)
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Noble Metals 1、Pt-Rh alloy thermocouples   BIAM is the designated manufacturer of precious metal thermocouple ,since approved by the technical supervision administration of Beijing municipal. The Pt-Rh thermocouples manufactured in the line are in accordance with the national standards of GB/T3772-1998(PtRh10,Pt thermocouple filament)and GB/T2902-1998(PtRh30,PtRh6 thermocouple filament). The products have been widely appplied in the fields of national defence,scientific research,metallurgical and chemical industry as the temperature control elements according to the characterisfics such as thermo-emf,linear relationship between high temperature and thermo-emf,long term stability of thermo-emf.   2、Pt alloy catalyst nets   Pt alloy catalyt net is used mainly and indispensably in the production of nitric acid. Early 1990's,BIAM developed the technique on its own efforts and applied it in dozens of state-owned chemical plants of large or middle scale.Pt alloy catalyst net made in BIAM has longer working life,higher coverting ratio and fits for the need of ammonia oxidizing furnance at normal and high pressures.   3、Precious metal-based electrical contact materials for aero-space   BIAM is an institute specialized in the research and development of precious metal-based electrical contact material for China's aviation industry.The products have been widely used in many fields, such as aviation,space and weaponery.The electrical contact components made of various precious metals can be formed in auto-control system, and used for all kinds of circuits within electrical engines,electrical appliances,tele-communications and computers.   4、The recovery apparatus for Pt catalyst used in the process of nitric acid production   The apparatus is used for recovery of Pt in ammonia oxidizing furnace in the process of nitric acid production.BIAM can design the Pt recovery net according to the actual condition of ammonia oxidizing furnace in order to meet the reauirements of the furnace and maximize the recovery rate of Pt.   5、Refinement and chemical product of precious metal   After a long time of research and manufacture,BIAM now has acquired the preparation and refinement techniques of most precious metals and has a systematical and comprehensive knowledge of the property and synthesis methods of the chemical products of precious metals. BIAM is one of the key manufacturers in Beijing and northeast China for the synthesis of chemical products and refinement of precious metals. Its products are widely used in the fields of modern chemical industry,petroleum,electronics,metallurgy and shipbuilding.   6、Smelting of precious metals   There is a group of experienced,high qualified senior engineers and technical workers in BIAM who are equipped with advanced experimental techniques and smelting equipment. Their achievements are extensively applied in the smelting of product such as jewelrys,thermocouples and crucibles.   7、Crucibles made of precious metals   BIAM has the ability to manufacture crucibles either in standard sizes or in non-standard sizes.The products play very important role in many fields, such as: crystal growth.optical glass,iron and steel,chemical products,building materials, mineralogy and geology,non-ferrous metallargy and optical fiber,etc.


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