Model Displ. (cm3) Motor Type Cooling Capacity (W) Input Power (W) Rated Current (A) COP (W/W) VOL/FRE V/Hz FN43 4.30 RSIR S 112 106 0.88 1.05 220/50 FN57 5.70 RSIR S 134 127 1.00 1.05 220/50 FN66 6.60 RSIR S 158 146 1.05 1.08 220/50 FN77 7.70 RSIR S 176 162 1.35 1.09 220/50 FN91 9.10 RSIR S/F 221 192 1.40 1.16 220/50 FN110 11.00 RSIR F 270 232 1.60 1.17 220/50 FN128 12.80 RSIR F 306 260 2.00 1.18 220/50 FN142 14.00 CSIR F 333 280 2.10 1.19 220/50 Test Conditions: 1Evaporating Temp.= -23.3 -10F 2Ambient Temp.=32.290F 3Condensing Temp.=54.4130F 4Suction Temp.=32.290F 5Sub-cooling Temp.=32.290F Tolerance of performance data: 1Capacity≥95% 2Input Power≤115% 3Current≤110% 4COP≥93% Cooling Type: SStatic Cooling FFan Cooling HR134a Refrigerant LLBP The compressor is the same with refrigeration implement which usually include refrigerator, refrigeration deepfreeze, kitchen refrigeration, display case, revelation tank, dehumidify appliance etc. The main feature: light compact, high efficiency, good reliability, low noise vibration.