1.Hide glue for industrial use: 1.strength(12.5%):80 170bloom 2.Viscosity:20 170mps/5 70mpa.s/2-12E 3.made of pig or beef skin 2.Specification: Industrial grade Gelatin: Hide glue ItemUnitspecificationJelly Strength (12.5%, 10°C) Bloom g 420-350 340-300 290-250 240-200 190-150 140-80 Viscosity (15%, 40°C) °E 12-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 3-2 2-1.5 (12.5% 60°C) mpa. s 70-50 50-30 30-20 18-13 13-8 8-5.5 (12.5%,60°C)mps 170-150 140-120 110-90 80-60 60-40 39-20 Moisture % 16-13 16-13 16-13 16-13 16-13 16-13 Ash % 2.5-2.0 2.5-2.0 2.5-2.0 3.0-2.5 3.0-2. 3.5-3 PH 5.5-7 3.Application: AdhesivesDry GluesTo make own liquid glues used in: Cutlery polishing, Picture Frame Mouldings, Sand PaperLiquid GluesMay contain a liquefying agent:Uranium recovery - filtration aid.Gelled gluesBook BindingHot-melt gluesCase ClosingArtFilms Contract on dryingGlass chippingBinding & surfacingBinding of home made papersSizing (surfacing)Sizing of Paper and CanvasSheet gelatineFoundation & texturiser for art workTransfersFrom paper to glass / plasticPlaster of ParisDelayed setting.PrintingWater-base ink adhesionInk-jet printing baseChromated GelatineLithographyChromated gelatineHolographyPhotograpgyLight-sensitive filmsFilm, Paper, X-ray film, HolographyBalisticsAmmunition testingAssessment of penetrationCosmeticsHair (Shampoo)Antistatic. Promotes gloss, Repairs heat & chemical damage, Assists stylingSkin creamsHumectant, binder, film former.Plastics AssemblyAntistatic wipe.