Frozenyellow peach slices
1. General description
Organic yellow peach, deep frozen, produced from fresh, healthy, very well cleaned raw materials. It is free of foreign bodies, individually quick frozen and free of block. The raw materials have not been chemically treated in any way and have gone through metal detect, without residues.
In all respects the product shall comply with the EC-Regulation 834/2007 and NOP on organic growing. In particular, it shall be free from all foreign or offensive matter, off odors or taints.
2. Physical characteristics:
Colour: Typical bright yellow
Odour/taste: typical of yellow peach, no foreign taste or foreign odors
Size: Practically uniform
Texture: firm texture after defrosting
Foreign bodies: free from foreign material
3.Short description of process:
Cleaning, water blanching, freezing, size-grading, metal detection, packing
4. Origin:
5.Organic certification:
It is certified organic according to EC Regulation 2092/91 on organic and NOP/USDA final rule.
6.Microbiological requirements:
Total Plate Count:<50.000 cfu/g
Enterobacteriaceae:<1000 cfu/g
E-coli: <10 cfu/g
Listeria monocytogenes:negative
Staphyloccocus: negative