Main Functions odometer adjusting audio decoding airbag resetting anti-theft code reading ECU memory programming Update through Internet nearly support all kinds of latest vehiclesFeatures Local operation:Touch screen. Keyboard Remote operation: PC. Internet operating LCD: 320*240 TFT colour screen Interface: USB. Seral Adapter Power Supply:12V DC CF card 256MB nearly support all kinds of latest vehicles Available in four languages: English, German, Chinese and JapanesePackage IncludedNameQtyRemarkDIGIMASTER II MAIN UNITOneInclude one CF card and one touch-control pen12V switchOneUSB connectorOne8 colors cableTwoCard readerOneICP(In Circuit Programming) adapterTwoInclude one piece of CPU remove-free cableOBP(On Board Programming) adapterOneVW airbag remove-free cableOneNEC+Lexus+Grand Cherokee adapterThreeInclude 14 pins NEC cableC/E CLASS adapterOneInclude one cableE65/E66 CAS OBD2OneW203/220OneW211OneE65/E66One9S12OneInclude 9S112,9-112,9S80 CPU boardCAN-OBD DM1OneBMW-CANOneVW/ AUDI / BENZ / BMWDiagnostic AdapterOne set1. One VW 16 pins OBD-II cable (square port)2. One BENZ 38 pins OBD-II cable (circular port) and two 16pins OBD-II cables( square port)3. MW 20 pins cable (circular port)Cluster-socket portOne set1. BMW E36 cable2. BMW E38/39 cable3. BENZ95S CLASS cable4. JAGUAR cable5. Ford Ranger cableSpare Chips10 pics1. 93C46 DIP one2. 93C66 DIP one3. 93C46 SMD one4. 93C66 SMD one5. 93C86 SMD two6. 24C16 SMD two7. 25010 SMD one8. 8P socket one