It's not noly a kind of tea, but also a kind of craft. It is best choose as a gift for relatives and friends. When steeped in water that has been boiled, tea blooms twist, turn, move and appear to bloom right before your eyes into amazing floral bouquets. Not only are these teas beautiful, but they also contain the fine white tea leaves rich in antioxidants and are infused with beautiful dehydrated flowers such as Jasmine, Globe Amaranth and Marigold just to name a few which give additional flavors and health benefits to our teas. Mild in flavor, tea blooms can be re-steeped up to 3 times each. And once you are done steeping and drinking, why not put the used bloom in a clear glass or vase with clean water to enjoy the beauty as a centerpiece or on your nightstand for an extra day or two.Artistic Tea & Flower Tea.