SPECIAL FEATURES: It is equipped with high-quality PVC film for heat removal; its honeycomb-type fan may significantly enhance the heat exchanging capacity, and it may tolerate high temperature up to 50 and the optimum heating radiating efficiency of the water tower may be ensured. Tower Model 1 WATERFLOW M3HR mmDimensions mmPipeconnections(A) WB28 WB27 H D Motor HP Fan D mm mmNLET mmOUTLET DRAIN OVERFFLOW Ba q KT-10 10.2 12 1868 1060 1/6 6 500 40 40 20 25 15 15 15 13.5 16 1900 1060 1/4 6 670 40 40 20 25 15 15 20 17 20 2000 1170 1/4 6 670 50 50 25 25 15 15 25 20.4 23.5 2290 1380 1/2 6 770 80 80 25 25 15 15 30 27 31 2290 1380 3/4 6 770 80 80 25 25 15 15 40 34.2 39 2360 1580 1 6 770 80 80 25 25 15 15 50 42 47 2500 1760 1.5 6 970 80 80 25 25 25 25 60 48.6 55 2500 2000 1.5 6 970 80 80 25 25 25 25 80 70 78 2560 2175 1.5 8 1170 100 100 25 25 25 25 100 86 98 2560 2175 2 8 1170 100 100 25 25 25 25 125 104 117 2810 2650 3 8 1470 100 100 25 25 25 25 150 121 137 2880 3050 3 8 1470 125 125 25 50 25 25 175 137 156 2900 3220 5 10 1750 125 125 25 50 25 25 200 177 195 3190 3220 5 10 1750 125 125 50 50 25 25 250 211 234 3600 3770 5 10 1750 150 150 50 50 25 25 300 240 273 3960 3770 7.5 4 2400 200 200 50 50 40 40 350 282 312 4150 4440 10 4 2400 200 200 50 50 40 40 400 348 390 4150 4790 10 4 2400 200 200 50 50 40 40 500 405 468 5200 5180 15 4 3000 200 200 50 100 50 50