Automatic garage door: The transmission of dynamic beam for aluminum alloy is reasonable and reliable. The number of uses reach to 10 million times. The body of the door is made of large-size high strength glasses with the frame made of stainless steel. The sliding door is moving smoothly. It is suitable for the hotels, banks, office buildings and other places. It can be used in the entrances of large opening. The controller of the door has computer chip inside. This design can adjust the door intelligently, achieve the goal of setting the control process automatically, and has the function of loading changes and automatically adjusting. The weight of the door leaf needn’t be adjusted, and it's always moving at its best. When the both way of the door are suffocated, the door will rebound. This function makes the door safer. The unique function of locking the door by the electrical machine can reach the result of locking the door without using the mechanical lock. It provides remote control. This part can make the all the adjustment finish and improve the efficiency. The operation is convenient. Open the door quickly. And it embodies personalized design.