card printer ribbon (552854-504 ymcko color ribbon kit for datacard sp series card printers) Basedon Datacards implementation of recent technical innovations, theDatacard552854-504 printer ribbon produces the finest full color photoID cards available, at a surprisingly affordable cost per card.Designedfor use with SP35 and SP55, the Datacard552854-504 is capable ofprinting 500 card prints, producing brilliant four-color images andtext that is ultra sharp, while adding a clear topcoat layer thatprotects your cards from abrasion and wear and tear. This ribbonfeatures built-in intelligence that allows your printer and computer tocommunicate for flawless installation and operation day in and out.Theres a reason that businesses and organizations in every sector worldwide rely on DatacardCertifiedSupplies like the Datacard 552854-504 print ribbon: superiorengineering and materials make Datacard products the finest the cardindustry has to offer. · YMCKT full color ribbon kit for SP35 printer · It is capable of 500 card prints