Fat Burn CapsuleGarnislimThis product has strong formula, which is specialized for people who want to lose weight fast. To lose weight you need the fire to burn the fat and dry out the water. The powerful Chinese herbs contained in one single capsule of Garnislim will increase the fire and make your body naturally work out the rest of the weight loss process. It increases energy levels, sharpens your mind and not only burns the calories you eat every day like a furnace, but also shrinks fat cells. It can regulate main organs of the body and speed up fat burn. The formula is much stronger than other product; it can burn fat more easily and has the function of relieving constipation. It will significantly improve your skin condition, slow the aging process, increase your energy and make you look younger, feel stronger and think faster. Main Ingredient: lotus leaf, Poria, Folium Mori, mulberry, lily, Cassia Seed, dried tangerine, laminaria, Fructus Crataegi, and L-carnitine Function: weight loss Applicable to: simple obesity adult Not Applicable: children, pregnant women, patients with Chronic and Enteritis and Diarrhea Usage and Dosage: one capsule before breakfast, one time per day Date of Production: printed in the outer pack Shelf Life: 24 month Storage: keep sealed in cool and dry place