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DC-und AC-Schütze für besonders wichtige Anwendungen. CP-modulare und kompakte Schaltanlagen 1-polige bidirektionale Leistungsschütze, Trennschalte
Moskau, Russland
Retro Verdrahtung oder Verkabelung Twisted äußerlich verwendet zur Elektroinstallation in Blockhütten Wohnungen Bäder und vieles mehr. Elegant passt
XY600 is a type of explosion-proof human-machine interface with an intrinsic safety keyboard. The product uses 32-bit RISC CPU and a simplified LINUX
XY600 type serial explosion-proof computer is a kind of embedded industrial computer with an intrinsic safety keyboard. It adopts Intel Atom CPU or I
With Siemens S7 PLC as a master controller,XY600 batch controller is a presetting precision control equipment used in such industries as petroleum, c
XY800 type serial explosion-proof Monitor is a kind of explosion-proof terminal display equipment. It adopts high-resolution display screen. As a dis
XY800 series explosion-proof oil tank display is a monitor that display tank level data through the touch operating screen. It can be connected with
XY700 series explosion-proof large-screen display is a high-brightness, single color and intrinsic safety explosion-proof display developed with appl
XY100 handheld explosion-proof barcode scanner is designed for various scanning work in extreme harsh and hazardous environment, adopted with advance
XY200 series explosion-proof large-screen display is a high-brightness, single or dual colors / full colors explosion-proof display developed with ap
XY400 explosion-proof non-contact IC card reader is a product integrated with the electronics, network, explosion-proof, radio frequency identificati
XY300 explosion-proof magnetic lock is a kind of intrinsic safety electromagnetic locks that can be used in explosive gas environment. It has some me
XYExKBPC explosion-proof PC keyboard is an intrinsic safety explosion-proof stainless steel PC keyboard which has the properties of waterproofing and
XY800 type serial explosion-proof computer is a kind of embedded industrial control computer and explosion-proof terminal equipment operated by touch
XY800 type serial explosion-proof computer is a kind of embedded industrial control computer and explosion-proof terminal equipment operated by touch
XY800 type serial explosion-proof computer is a kind of embedded industrial control computer and explosion-proof terminal equipment operated by touch
XY800 is a type of explosion-proof human-machine interface by touching operation. The product uses 32-bit RISC CPU and a simplified LINUX kernel, can
Заземление. Заземлитель. Молниезащита, молниеприемник, грозозащита, заземляющие устройства (ERICO) Стержень электрод штырь заземления омедненный СМП-
Öskemen, Kasachstan
True solid-state-statische transfer-Schalter zum Schutz Ihrer Last gegen Quelle Stromausfall Von 10 Ampere zu 1600 Ampere, Einzel-oder drei phase (1,
Wir nehmen diese Gelegenheit, um uns vorzustellen, wie ASHIDA Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Wir sind die wichtigsten Lieferanten von digitalen Schutz-Relais,
Herstellung und Lieferung von Ersatzteilen für Hochspannungs-Leistungsschalter, Transformatoren, Zellen Kru
Tscheboksary, Russland