Ytong AAC Block Ytong has completed series of researches of YTong bolock and panel on the buildings' physical properites,such as anti-penetrability,sound isolation,fire resistance,thermal isolation,and other basic mechanical performance of anti pressure and elastic modile etc,also compiled and amended an entirely technical document for appliance,which can adapt to building matket. Details as follows: Normal specifications of YTONG block specifications Size Length 600 Thickness 50,75,100,120,150,200,240,250,300 Height 250 Note(PS): blocks with special specifications can be ordered from factory. The compressive strength and dry specific gravity of YTONG blocks compressive stregth of the cube(mpa) average dry specific Intensity Density Average data NLT Minimum value per block NLT gravity not more than (kg/m3) A2.0 B04 2.1 1.7 430 A2.5B04 2.52450 B05 2.72.2 530 A3.5 B05 3.6 2.8 550 B06 3.7 3 630 A5.0 B06 5.14.1 650