waist bag Item NO:CDL-1011S Beautiful vogue waist bags,waist pack,Fanny pack Available in various design, material,colour. OEM manufacturing are welcome Guangzhou Cardel CASES & BAGS Co.,LTD is a professional manufacturing enterprise specializing in travelling bags, schoolbags,handbags, leather goods ,all kinds of gift bags, cosmetic bags and other bag related products. Our company was established in 1997,after more than 10 years development, it becomes an enterprise which is covering 3000 square meter and has more than 300 skilled employees. And also, we have a design department in Hong Kong for product design, development and fashion-related information gathering. The Best brand school bags, handbags were introduced by our company in 1998, and became popular at one time, on this basis, we introduced Cardel brand fashion bags in 2001 which was a series of fashionable women’s casual bags and had good sales results in Southeast Asia, with the constant expanding of the marketing, Cardel hadbags and other bag-related products were favourably accepted in Europe ,America and other places all over the world. As a professional manufacturing factory, we can provide you with attractive product design, accurate quotations, fast sampling and timely supply of goods. We would try our best to meet .