negative ion energy ceramic ball,negative ion ceramic ball,anion ceramic ball,negative ion ball,negative ion Intruduction: Negative ion ceramic ball is made from natural stones through the nanometer processing which can be continuously produced negative ions, widely used in industry, food industry, water treatment, home and the environment clean.Negative ion ceramic ball has smooth surface without dust and precipitates while dipping in water. Test proved that negative ions can release 1000 / CM3 20000/CM3 according to the different demand. Application:1) By adding negative ions ceramic ball in drinking water, the water can kill bacteria,increase dissolved oxygen, and activate water. Negative ion ceramic ball can also be used for water heaters in bathrooms to make oxygen-rich water and increase air negative ion concentration.2) Negative ion ceramic ball has smooth surface,without dust, so it can be used for room decoration to change the air quality, and increase the negative ion content and provent "Air conditioning disease" and the "computer syndrome."3) Negative ion ceramic ball can be used in the car, to eliminate the car smell and clean the air.Specifications and functions of ceramic ball can be customized.