USB Internet TV and radio player,Internet radio dongle,internet game player,Worldwide 20,000 radio and 5,000 TV stations,20,000 Games. FREE WATCHING TV,FREE LISTENING FM RADIO,FREE PLAY GAMES!!! 1.-Name: Internet radio dongle; USB Internet TV player· USB Internet radio and TV player 2.-Worldwide 20,000 radio and 5,000 TV stations categorized into countries, genres, and languages 3.-USB internet radio and TV dongle for computer, driverless 4.-Worldwide radio and TV stations categorized into countries, genres and languages 5.-Provides over 20,000 radio stations, classified in many more genres and many countries 6.-Includes many many web TV stations worldwide, sorted in many types of programs, many countries and many languages 7.-User friendly interface, allows enjoying your favorite radio station and TV program with a mouse click 8.-Collection of favorites and history stations, immediate access to my favorite stations on any PC without any registration 9.-Automatically updates program and new stations onsite 10.-Supports many languages user interface 11.-Record audio in WMA format into your hard driver 12.-Record video in WMV format to your hard driver 13.-Stream quality indicator to monitor in real time Internet stream stability USB Internet TV and radio player,Internet radio dongle,internet game player,Worldwide 20,000 radio and 5,000 TV stations,20000 games