SZLH508a3feed machinery FunctionandCharacteristic: 1.Thefeed machinery havethemodelofhighadvancedinternationallevelUp-to-datetechnologyandLowmalfunction. 2.Mainstandardpiecesareallintroducedfromabroaddirectly,theappearanceinsidedesignandthequalityareallupto the90'sinternationalstandards. 3.Maindriveadoptshighaccurategeardrive,withanoutputofabout20%higherthanbeltdriver. 4.Fullstainlesssteelstrengtheningfeedconditioner,adoptsthefrequencyconversionspeedregulatingcontrolto guaranteequalitypelletfeed. 5.The feedmachineryiseasytooperateandreliablesealing;highefficientandlowlaborintensity. ParametricTechnology: Model PowerOfMainMotor (kw) Capacity (t/h) PowerOfFeederScrew (kw) PowerOfConditioner (kw) Diediameter (mm) PelletSizes (mm) SZLH508a3 110/132/160 4-20 1.5 7.53 508 ¢2.0¢18 SZLH508 ring die pellet mill machine manual GEARBOX In general, the Series 3000 Pellet Mill uses an enclosed gearbox in which lubricant is splash-fed to the bearings and gears. Our specific lubricant recommendations given in "Required Oil Lubricant Specifications" found in this Section are an attempt to identify commercially available products which have all the desirable properties and none of the undesirable. MAINSHAFT BEARING At the rear of the Mainshaft, the two upper lubrication fittings are for the Rollers and the lower fitting is for the Mainshaft Bearings. (See Figure 4-1.) This bearing should be purged at least once every 8-10 hours with 2 oz. of grease. A relief valve is located at the front side of the mainshaft where grease escapes when overgreased. MAINSHAFT SEAL MAINTENANCE When grease escapes between quill and mainshaft as above, the mainshaft "V-ring" seal will automatically be lubricated..