Welding Rods E7018 is a high tensile mild steel and low alloy steels. E7018 is an outstanding quality all position welding electrode with extra low hydrogen potassium type coating for high tensile strength mild steel and low alloy steels. Its nominal welding efficiency is about 110%due to iron powder is contained. The weld metal shows an excellent low temperature toughness and high crck-resistance. It is widely used in important projects of ship,boilers, high pressure vessels, bridges, skyscrapers,offshore drilling platform, nuclear power plants and so on. The groove of base matal should be cleared impurities away and the electrode must be bake at a temperature to 400°C and be held 1-2hours before welding ,2.5mm or less one should be done by 350°C and be held 1 hour. 7018 welding rods is a basic heavy coated hydrogen controlled iron powder welding electrode depositing Radiographic quality weld with medium penetration and least spatter, electrodes for welding of mild steel having good tough report subzero temperature down to 300C. It gives sound, crack-resistant welds on mild and low alloy steels, metal recovery of electrodes 120% approx. Also it is cheap welding rods and all of our welding electrodes for sale is at a fairly low price. Kindly advice: Keep dry before using. APPROVALS: AWS/SFA (5.1): E 7018 APPLICATIONS: 7018 welding rods are ideal for: Boilers, Pressure Vessels, Coaches, Penstocks, Blast Furnace, Bridge, Atomic Reactor Shell, Earths moving equipments, Root runs in heavy and restrained joints. Chemical composition of deposited metal:(%) C≤0.08, Mn≈1.52, Si≤0.50, P≤0.030, S≤0.03, Cr - Ni - Mo - V - Mechanical properties of deposited metal: tensile Strength (MPa)Yield Strength (MPa)Elongation (%)≥560≥480≥29 Current reference: Diameter of Electrode (mm)Ø2.5Ø3.2Ø4.0Ø5.0Length of Electrode (mm)300350400450Current (A)60-10080-150150-190180-250