Handle door Lock 1.Surface treatment:AB---Antiquebronze brushed 2.Finish:A pair of panel and handle,lock body and necessary. 3.Material:steel panel aluminum handle 4.The colour and the hole in the panel is up to you. Our company specializes in producing finished locks, such as stainless steel (hollow) handle locks, zinc alloy and aluminum alloy handle locks. In addition, we also manufacture accessories to locks including casting, punching and electroplating parts. Our products are wide spread in the projects of hotels, apartments, luxury houses and office buildings. Our products are wide spread in the projects of hotels, apartments, luxury houses,bathroom and office buildings. MNMatt nickelBSBrass brushedSN/CHSatin Nickel/chrome brushedYNYellow nickelPBPolished brassSN/NPSatin Nikel/Nickel PlatedNPNickel platedSNSatin nickelSN/GPSatin Nikel/Gold PlatedBNBlack nickelSGSatin goldSN/BNSatin Nikel/Black NikelAEAntique coffee brushedCHChrome brushedBN/GPBlack Nikel/Gold PlatedABAntique bronze brushedGPGold platedTTT Pattern(YN/GP)ACAntique copper brushedLGLozenge goldF&BFlowers&bird patternAGAir greenIVertical srtipeFISHFish Pattern (YN/GP)GSGold brushedCPChrome platedYN/GPYellow Nickel/Gold Plated Handle door lock door handle lock door handle