Main parameters and fitting 1Resistance load equipment: 111KW 2Power factor: 1.0 3Test voltage: three phase AC voltage 400V 4Frequency: 50--60Hz 5Active power step: 1KW X 1 step 2KW X 1 step 4KW X 1 step 8KW X 1 step 6 Normal Operational Conditions In summer the ambient temperature is 45,humidity is 90%.In winter the ambient temperature is -20, humidity is 50% 7ventilation power and the control power of the load bank are 3 phase 5 wire ( 380V + N + PE), total control power is 1 KW. 8Cooling mode: forced air convection, the fanner with axial-flow: the direction of the air is coming and outgoing from the side, the control box is beside the wind input end(refer to the show drawing). 9Controlling mode: computer control. 10Load bank rated power error: thermal state: -4, cold state: -2. 11Protection device: over-current, short-current, over-load protection for the fanner. The short current and over load protection for resistance pile. 12) the temperature for load bank outlet is about 250 13) IP for main return circuit: IP23 14) Insulation degree for motor: F 15) Working mode: continuous 12Weight: 200KG Main units 1 resistance tube: we selected self developed stereo-type resistance unit, the unit impedance is above DC500V 100MΩ,the withstand voltage is AC2000V/minitue,each resistance tube resistance error is ±2%. 2Main circuit AGRP 2.5 mm2,16 mm2. 3: CLJ-0.66 3Transformer: CLJ-0.66 of Changjiang 4the frame are welded by the section steel,there is a wheel and easy to move. There is protection net for wind coming and going end. 5overall dimension: L900 X W1200 X H1000 We use computer key to operate, you just input the needed active power and the computer can calculate and operate the result then input the load by itself. You can increase the short time load. The load bank also can serve and print the test parameters. The parameters the computer will show: Basic data Three phase voltage, three phase current, three phase power, total power, three phase reactive power, total reactive power, three phase power factor, total power factor. 2Harmonic Offer each phase voltage, current value of 1 -50 times, harmonic voltage containing rate , with harmonic current rate , total harmonic distortion of voltage , current total harmonic distortion rate . . 3 Harmonic wave type: offer three phase voltage and three phase current wave type data.44 4Impact test: 12 second impact time: c atch the transient voltage, the frequency max value, the current min-value and recover time, can calculate the impact transient voltage deviation, the transient state frequency difference; 5 Unload suddenly test: 12 seconds unload time suddenly: May catch the transient voltage, the frequency maximum value, the current minimum value and recover time, can calculate unload the transient voltage deviation, the transient state frequency difference suddenly; 6 Records the wave: can carry on 1 second voltage to record the wave, each profile 128 spots