LXD automatic continuous discharge centrifuge is vertical centrifugal filter diversion discharge centrifuge, the model has a unique diversion device that can effectively adjust the material in the centrifuge residence time, so that the content of solid materials a minimum of solid particles larger than 40μm materials can achieve a satisfactory result. How it works: material from the upper into the centrifuge, the sub-feeder a continuous diversion of materials fill the channel, under the action of centrifugal force, the material flows down along the diversion channel, the flow of process liquid through the filter into the set of liquid storage, diversion channel along the solid material is being discharged into the lower part of the solid collection of positions. Using centrifugal force, LXD also completed a centrifugal filter centrifuges and centrifugal discharge, point of diversion channels can be adjusted, which can change the channel length to control the material in the diversion channel residence time, to control the moisture content of the solid material to best. Features: No scraper discharge by gravity and centrifugal force, does not destroy the crystalline particles. Vertical structure, simple installation, smooth operation, low failure rate. Simple filter replacement, long life. Low energy consumption, low noise operation. No basis for complex earthquake. Totally enclosed design, materials, organic solvents or odor effectively closed.